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'These Are a Few of My Favorite Things' Dear 3 Boys Edition

Dear 3 Boys, 

We've reused some baby items, bought lots of new things and received a few hand-me down's over the course of this year.  Some things we barely used and some we used so much that we had to buy them again because we broke them or decided that we really wanted double of them.  And well, 'these are a few of my favorite things' we've used in this past year with you all.  Side note: I really hope that some day we'll watch 'The Sound of Music' altogether because Julie Andrews and this movie rocked my childhood.  To all the mama's reading, I hope you find this list of OUR favorite items useful to you!  I've hyperlinked several of them (click on the blue wording).




Angelcare Bath Support seats  - We used these for bath time until the twins were just shy of 6 months old.  They are easy to clean, mildew resistant mesh material, and you can easily stack them if you need more than 1 like we did.  For us, living in a NYC apartment, these bath seats could easily be stored in a closet too.

Safety first bath ring chairs - We got two of these chairs at the 6 month mark when the twins absolutely refused to lay back in their Angelcare seats, and all they wanted to do was sit upright (bath time became a lot more challenging).  The suction pads on the bottom stick securely to the tub, and there's a backrest in the design of the chair.  The babies love that their bath seats swivel around full circle, so they can play with each other.  And there's still plenty of room in the tub for big bro!

Baby Dove Tip to Toe Wash - I love using this on the babies AND my big boy David because of the super delicate fragrance and the fact that it's hypoallergenic.  You can use this on hair and body, and it leaves my boys' skin feeling super soft. The only gripe I have is that the pump is a little slow, but I can live with that.  

Dr. Brown's Natural Flow bottles - For some reason, from the get-go of birth, these bottles have just always worked for us.  They were recommended by so many of my mommy friends that swore their babies were less gassy with these bottles, and even the hospital where we delivered the twins suggested these bottles to us (Dr. Brown's even has a preemie nipple, which we used for Matthew while he was in the NICU).  I have never used anything else because I didn't need to.  They come in 2 sizes, 4 or 8 ounces - definitely get plenty of both.  Even though the twins take a full 8 ounce bottle now, they still often use the 4 ounce bottles when we go out for walks, etc.

Twin mom power move, holding the Dr. Brown's bottles with 1 hand on their Twin Z Pillow

Avent My Natural Trainer Cup - I used these cups even with David 4 years ago.  One of the biggest reasons why I love this sippy cup is because it comes with 2 nipples - a fast flowing nipple that I started using when the twins were about 5 months old, and it comes with a slow flowing soft spout that we currently use.  It easily goes from bottle to sippy cup style when you're ready to transition. 

Sage spoonfuls products - My first purchase from Sage Spoonfuls was their 3 ounce jars when the twins first started eating solids at 4 months old.  We still use the jars to hold their snacks in them now (even for my preschooler some days).  After the jars, I quickly invested in the blender/food processor and hand mixer.  It's made by a mom (one of my fav actresses from an old soap opera I loved called Passions - LOL)  for her own children, who even provides recipes - follow her on instagram @sagespoonfuls!

Sound machine & Projector  - I don't think I could put the twins to sleep without this thing!  In a busy apartment with a bustling preschooler playing around, this sound machine blocks out all the noises, and projects sweet images that we direct towards the ceiling.  I kind of got lucky on stumbling across this particular sound machine because I was simply looking for one that you could plug in (instead of being battery powered because those things will die out in a few days) - the projector images were a plus.  Every mom should have a sound machine - I linked my particular one from Amazon here!

Aden and anais swaddle blankets - what is there not to love about these soft, cotton muslin blankets?  I actually reused a bunch of them that I had bought 5 years ago (can you believe it?)  before having David, and bought a few new ones to add to our collection when our twins came around.  I know that these are a bit on the pricier side for some mamas, and there are those swaddle blankets now that come with the velcro straps to make it easier, etc.  But these Aden & Anais blankets are so multifunctional - they can be swaddle blankets, they can be used for tummy time, in the stroller, and as a nursing blanket.  I've washed them a million times, and they still maintain the color in their designs and their soft feel.  

Dad & Adam in his Adam & Anais Swaddle Blanket staying snug while in Cental Park

Aquaphor Healing Ointment - This ointment is another very versatile cream that is a must have for me, from the babies to my preschooler (sometimes even use it for myself).  I first discovered this ointment when my pediatrician recommended it for David's cracked skin on his cheeks after walks outside in the cooler air during his first Fall - it quickly healed his skin (within a day).  Then I realized I could use it for so much more than that, and have just always kept a big jar of this stuff in my home - some uses I've gotten out of this ointment have been for diaper rash, chapped lips, dry hands/feet and for those scraped knees we always get in the summer time.

Summer Infant SnuzzlerHead & Body Support - These cushions really come in handy for the first few months of babies life - I used them in the twins' stroller, in their car seats, and even in their bouncer seats for added support.  They have 2 sides with different styles that I feel really work in the hotter months and cooler ones.  Also, they are super inexpensive, so you don't have to feel bad about buying more than 1 and don't have to keep moving the insert around every where with you.

Fisher price infant to toddler rocker seats - I love these chairs and used them since birth for the twins (just added the infant cushions for added support in the beginning months).  I used to rock one chair with my foot, while holding the other twin in my arms.  Some days I just sat between the two seats and bottle fed the twins in them.  Once they got a little older and were just starting to try solids, I would sit them upright in these chairs and spoon feed them (because they couldn't yet sit down in an actual high chair).  Also, at age 4 even my preschooler would sit in these chairs and watch TV or just lounge in them.  I love a product that goes from baby to toddler - and these seats do just that!  

Uppababy Vista Stroller - What other stroller can go from accommodating one child to 3 and still ride so smoothly and fit into every narrow NYC street, doorway and elevator?!  It has a huge basket, folds closed easily, and stacks upward so I don't feel like I am pushing a long train in front of me.  I adore this stroller!  I bought the 2018 version after selling my Uppababy Cruz model that I had with David (which can only accommodate max 2 children - one in seat and one on piggy back board).  The Uppababy strollers always maintain good resale value for when you are done using them.  

Big brother bottle feeding Matthew on our stroll

Carters Hooded Sherpa Bunting - the cutest, coziest 1 piece for those cold months.  It has one zipper and can cover baby's hands if you want to (like mittens).  They are easy to put on, and the adorable little ears are an added plus.  There are so many colors to choose from, and they frequently go on sale on  I used mine all the time for the twins when we went outside, until they outgrew them and we had to buy actual snowsuits for them.  These also hold up in the wash really well.

Cute teddies staying warm while shopping at Stew Leonard's

JJ Cole Polar Bundle Me - this is another one of those items that I saved from using with my oldest son 4 years ago, so I only bought one more to have for the twins.  Being a mom in the city, frequently going outdoors for short walks, running errands, etc., I cannot recommend these enough to other mamas.  This can go on a carseat OR stroller, and actually expands from accommodating baby size to a tall toddler - and it is SO warm.  You can totally use this for a few years - I used mine with David until he was 3 years old.  It has a hood to protect babies head and is machine washable.  JJ Cole designs really fit any stroller or carseat model, but you can usually find floor samples at Buy Buy Baby (where I bought mine) that you can try on your actual stroller.  Also, those 20% off coupons work for this one at Buy Buy Baby.


Crayola Pip Squeak markers - These markers are fun because they are a chunky, small marker that really fit well into my preschooler's small hands.  The chunkier, the better for learning how to grip.  

Contigo Autospout Bottle - I have tried way too many different bottles after we were done with using Sippy Cups for David to bring to nursery school with him.  Trust me on this one, there is no better than the Contigo brand.  The straw always stays in place, the valve really is spill proof, and the carry on handle is practical.

Now let me know what some of your favorite items for your kids are in the comments!

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  1. It's not unusual for people to develop problems getting in and out of their bath or shower. Sometimes it's just a result of getting older and becoming less mobile, or it could be due to an illness or injury. If you are having difficulty, there are ways you can make life easier and enjoy the relaxing feeling of a hot bath or shower in comfort with mobility shower and bath seats.


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