I gave birth to my twins at 38 weeks into my pregnancy, which is considered full-term for twins. And much to my surprise and shock, I got the twin birth I had sort of "dreamed of" after what felt like a very difficult pregnancy compared to my singleton experience, and having had preeclampsia in this pregnancy - still don't even know how I managed to work at all or care for my then 4-year old (though I admit, many Netflix shows were watched and I pulled David early from his Pre-K-3 program as I just couldn't keep up any more). On April 28, 2017 I gave birth vaginally to twin boys - Twin B, being delivered breech! (A double whammy of a vaginal birth for one twin and c-section for the other was my worst nightmare, so I was thankful to avoid surgery) We were truly so lucky to have had such a positive birthing experience and wonderful doctor delivering Adam and Matthew at NYU Langone Hospital. However, just a few hours after their birth, one of the nurses in my...
Mom of 3 boys (twins plus one) sharing my journey of motherhood. Contact: victoriadedaj@gmail.com